Coloursmith Tools
When used in combination with the Coloursmith App, the Coloursmith Reader greatly increases the colour accuracy captured from any object, image or surface.

Coloursmith app
For colour creation on the go, use the Coloursmith app to capture and create colour from any object or surface. Simply download the free app from the App Store or Google Play, and get started!
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Coloursmith Accessories Kit
Now you've found your perfect colour, order your all-in-one Coloursmith Accessories Kit so you're set up to get painting the moment your delivery arrives! The kit includes: Monarch 50mm Trim Brush Uni-Pro Blue Tape 3-Pack (36mm x 50mm) Uni-Pro Biodegradable Heavy Duty Drop Sheet Old Fields Pro Series Roller Sleeve 230mm Old Fields Roller Frame 230mm Old Fields Roller Pole 0.6m-1.2m Uni-Pro Paint Tray with Pourer 230mm
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Coloursmith Reader
For colour professionals, providing pin-point precision, the Coloursmith Reader accurately captures colour using its own LED light source, and a tri-stimulus XYZ sensor to ensure the closest colour match.
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